Playtime is an incredibly important part of a child’s young life, and the toys they have can have a huge impact. There are many popular toys that children like to have, but you should also look into investing in educational toys such as construction sets, building blocks, and kids science sets. There are numerous benefits for children who have toys they can learn from without even realizing it. Read on for just a few of the ways educational toys can benefit your child.
Young children are constantly learning new things, and much of their learning can be done during playtime with the right toys. Three to six year olds, for example, should be playing with things like puzzles, blocks, or collections in order to help them problem solve. They’ll also learn how to order objects using length, width, height, shape, color, smell, quantity, and other features. Their environment when playing is also important: children have a 25% greater ability to learn when they are in a stimulating environment.
Did you know that 66% of adults who work in math-related roles– like accountants or bankers– played with puzzles when they were young? Educational toys help children develop lifelong skills that will set them apart from their competition as they grow older. This will allow them to do better in school, and later, better in the workforce.
Playtime gets children up and moving, which should not be overlooked. They’re learning to stay active and how they can make activity fun. With the current obesity epidemic in the United States, this is an important ideal to instill in kids while they are still young.
What do you think about the advantages of educational toys? Do you agree? Will your kids play with toys that will teach them? We would love to hear your thoughts and comments!