Staying sane and healthy lately has not been easy.
The people who are doing the best, however, are those who are finding a way to step away from the 24/7 news cycle and get a regular amount of physical exercise. If you are not one of these people, today is the day to change your ways. The road to economic and health recovery looks to be long, and it should come as no surprise that doctors and scientists alike are recommending that now, more than any other time in history, is when people should be eating better, exercising more, and getting the recommended amount of rest. It is a frightening but real fact that the same indicators that may mean you will be a victim of the ravages of the Coronavirus are the very indicators that have signaled the decline health of too many Americans: obesity, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and sedentary lifestyles. And while non of these indicators have ever been a harbinger of good things, today with the threat of Covid 19, these are even more threatening.
Finding a way to keep yourself active, as well as those you love, is the best thing for your physical and mental health. As a result, more and more families are trying to focus not just on the extravagant vacations abroad that they are missing out on, but instead on the ways to take advantage of the great outdoors as a way to exercise, commune with nature, and relax.
One sport that is a combination of these three goals is golfing. Starting as a sport in Scotland over 500 years ago, this is an activity the whole family can enjoy.
- Job insecurity is a major economic stressor for many Americans today. Where do you are the owner of a small business that is at risk of closing or your job depends on decisions by large corporations the last seven minutes have been unprecedented.
- Unless you find a way to stay active, the chances of your mental health suffering are even greater.
- Sports like golf and running provide the activity most people need, while also offering the opportunity to be in the great outdoors.
- Today, golf simulators across the country are opening as entertainment centers that provide a way for family, friends and workers to gather together well enjoying all activity.
- Kids often do not have the attention span it takes to play a full nine holes of golf or take their turns sitting on the bench for a nine inning game of baseball or softball. With the use of the best high definition golf simulators in batting cages, however many parents can introduce their children to support the bacon eventually learn to play for a longer period of time.
- Estimates indicate that Americans continue to get far less physical activity and they need. For example, fthan 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day; only one in three adults receive the recommended amount of physical activity each week.
- Enjoying an activity like golfing, playing tennis, running, and many other options as a family can help put you and your children alike in a better position if you happen to contract the coronavirus or experience any other kind of illness this winter.
- Parents who model an active lifestyle may be more likely to have children who do the same.
- Making a commitment to a family walk with or without the dog every evening during the week and every weekend morning can get themselves in the habit of living a healthier lifestyle.
- One day out golfing can provide plenty of activity if you choose to walk instead of take a cart.
- Visting a different golf course every time you travel provides a way to practice your craft while also making sure that you are getting exercise.
- Instead of remaining glued to the news and your cellular device, make sure that you are finding time to get out into the great outdoors, perhaps golfing.
- No one wants to fall victim to COVID-19, but you can increase your chances of a healthy outcome if you were practicing daily good habits like eating right, exercising, and getting a good nights rest.
- Getting through the year 2020 has seemed challenge for many, but you can take control of your life to make sure that whatever 2021 brings you will be ready.