Parents often hear that their children’s brains are like sponges, but this isn’t actually far from the truth. Although the human brain stops growing around age 18, an eight-year-old child’s brain has grown to about 90% of its adult weight. In other words, kids learn a lot in their early years, and even playing with educational toys can help improve early brain development for years to come. Toys that teach the fundamentals of problem solving and scientific learning, such as magnetic construction sets, can help kids get off to a good start in their early childhood education, whether they’re in school or having unstructured playtime at home.
Why is giving your kids science toys for children so important? Here are three things that young children can learn when they play with educational toys:
1. Counting. Counting is one of the first skills children learn, whether they have gone to preschool or not. Between ages three and five, children can learn counting to 25; five- to six-year-olds also possess the skill and are usually able to count at least 10 objects at a time. Preschool age children also learn valuable skills like sorting objects by shape and color, and doing puzzles or playing with magnetic toys can increase spatial reasoning skills.
2. Building. In addition to being able to count and sort, kids science toys and other creative toys for children often emphasize building. From blocks to magnetic connector toys, children’s toys either allow children to build freely or teach them how to put together specific constructions. Building toys can also sharpen kids’ spatial reasoning, and they are appropriate for children between three and six years old.
3. Collaborating. Giving kids science toys doesn’t mean that they just play alone. When kids have to solve problems or think creatively, they can often benefit from doing so with kids their own age. Puzzles, construction toys, and other scientific toys and games for kids are great for group and individual play. In fact, by providing a stimulating environment for children, they have a 25% increased chance for learning while they play.
What types of toys do your children learn with best? Tell us how you let your children learn and play in the comments.